How to Track Klaviyo Conversions with Attribuly

Read Time 7 mins | Written by: Attribuly

How to Track Klaviyo Conversions with UTM


In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, tracking conversions is crucial for businesses to measure their ROI and optimize the customer journey. Klaviyo, a popular email marketing platform, offers conversion tracking tools to help businesses understand how their email campaigns are performing. However, to get a more comprehensive view of the customer journey and track conversions across multiple channels, it's recommended to use an attribution tool like Attribuly.

Attribution allows businesses to see which touchpoints in the customer journey are contributing to conversions. By connecting Klaviyo with Attribuly, businesses can gain valuable insights into how their email campaigns are driving sales and which other channels are playing a role in the customer journey.

The benefits of using Attribuly go beyond just conversion tracking. It also provides a holistic view of the customer journey, allowing businesses to identify areas for improvement and optimize their marketing efforts accordingly. With Attribuly, businesses can track conversions across all channels, including social media, paid advertising, and organic search.

In this blog post, we'll walk you through how to set up Klaviyo for conversion tracking and connect it with Attribuly. We'll also show you how to create a new email campaign in Klaviyo and monitor conversion data and customer journey in Attribuly's dashboard. Whether you're an e-commerce marketer or business owner looking to improve your email marketing strategy, this guide will provide you with actionable steps for optimizing your campaigns and maximizing your ROI.

Setting up Klaviyo UTM for conversion tracking

Tracking conversions is crucial for measuring the success of your email marketing campaigns. By tracking Klaviyo conversions, you can optimize your customer journey and improve your ROI. In this guide, we will show you how to track Klaviyo conversions via Attribuly, a simple and effective tool for email conversion tracking.

Updating UTM template in Klaviyo

The first step in setting up Klaviyo for conversion tracking is updating the UTM template. UTM parameters are tags that you add to the end of a URL to track traffic sources and campaign data. By adding UTM parameters to your links in Klaviyo, you can track which emails are driving conversions.

To update the UTM template in Klaviyo, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Klaviyo account.

  2. Click on "Account" in the top navigation bar.

  3. Select "Settings" from the dropdown menu.

  4. Click on "Tracking & Analytics" in the left-hand menu.

  5. Scroll down to "UTM Parameters".

  6. Edit parameters.

  7. Turn on"Aotumatically add UTM parameters to links.

  8. Click "Update UTM tracking settings"

By updating the UTM template, you will be able to track which emails are driving conversions using Attribuly.


Connecting Klaviyo to Attribuly with API key

The next step is connecting Klaviyo to Attribuly with an API key. An API key is a code that allows two software applications to communicate with each other.

To connect Klaviyo to Attribuly with an API key, follow these steps:

1. Log into your klaviyo account, click “Account”-”Settings”.

  1. Select "API Keys", and click the button "Create Private API Key".

  2. Name the API Key "Attribuly", select “Read-Only Key”, and click "Create".

  3. Paste your key into Attribuly Integratons-Klaviyo

  4. Click " Connect"

Once you have connected Klaviyo to Attribuly with an API key, you will be able to see conversion data and customer journey information for each email campaign sent through Klaviyo.


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Creating a new email campaign in Klaviyo

Creating a new email campaign in Klaviyo is an essential step in tracking Klaviyo conversions via Attribuly. By creating a new email campaign, you can easily monitor the conversion data and customer journey in the Attribuly dashboard. The email campaigns before integration can't be tracked.

To create a new email campaign in Klaviyo, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to your Klaviyo account and click on "Campaigns".

  2. Click on "Create Campaign" and select "Email".

  3. Choose a name for your campaign and select your desired recipients.

  4. Select a template or create one from scratch.

  5. Customize the content of your email.

  6. Preview and test your email before sending it out.

Monitoring conversion data and customer journey in Attribuly

Once you have successfully connected Klaviyo to Attribuly and created a new email campaign, it's time to monitor the conversion data and customer journey in the Attribuly dashboard. The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your email campaign performance and allows you to track key metrics such as revenue, conversions, open rates, click-through rates, and more.


Explanation of Attribuly dashboard

The Attribuly dashboard is designed to provide e-commerce marketers with an easy-to-use interface for tracking their email campaigns' performance. The dashboard is divided into several sections that allow you to monitor different aspects of your email campaign.

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Monitor Email conversion proportion of full channels


Monitor detailed campaign conversions

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Analyze how Email works with other touchpoints


Importance of monitoring conversion data and customer journey

Monitoring conversion data and customer journey is essential for optimizing your email campaigns' performance. By tracking these metrics in real-time, you can quickly identify any issues or opportunities that arise during the campaign.

For example, if you notice that a particular segment of customers isn't responding well to your emails or isn't converting at a high rate, you can adjust your messaging or targeting to better engage them. Similarly, if you notice that certain products are selling particularly well through email marketing channels compared to others or that certain types of content are resonating with customers more than others – this information will help guide future marketing efforts.



In conclusion, tracking Klaviyo conversions via Attribuly is an essential step for e-commerce marketers and business owners who want to optimize their customer journey and improve ROI. By following our step-by-step guide, you can easily update the UTM template in Klaviyo, connect it to Attribuly with an API key, create a new email campaign in Klaviyo, and monitor the conversion data and customer journey in the Attribuly dashboard. The benefits of using Attribuly are numerous, including its simple and effective interface that provides actionable insights into your customer's behavior. With this tool at your disposal, you can make informed decisions about your marketing strategy and improve your overall performance. Remember that tracking Klaviyo conversions is crucial for measuring success and understanding how customers interact with your brand. By implementing this solution, you'll be able to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact and increase revenue over time. We hope this guide has been helpful in getting started with attribution tracking via Attribuly!

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