Attribuly VS TripleWhale

The #1 TripleWhale alternative for rising stars

Attribuly is designed for high-growth brands(even less than 1MUSD revenue) that want to

  1. Understand the entire customer journey. 
  2. Automate ad adjustment
  3. Build a server-side tracking system.

In this way, merchants can fully utilize the first-party data in one place. Meanwhile, TripleWhale doesn't provide ads automation and server-side tracking.  Without Server-side tracking, your precious data can't help Meta and other networks to enhance the bidding.

Attribuly also fully integrates with Shopify web pixels, which provides a reliable way to collect customer events, including the whole checkout process.  While TripleWhale can't get these data. 

In terms of Total Cost of Ownership, Attribuly is around 60% of TripleWhale. And you don't pay upfront, since the pricing is only linked to your monthly revenue. 

It was super simple to set up and much easier than TripleWhale or Northbeam. Can't wait to use it. 

screenshot-20240206-105145Linda Singh
CEO of Marketing Launch Partners

Feature comparison

Where Attribuly is better than TripleWhale

Fit for all sizes Attribuly PRO TripleWhale PRO
Price for 1.2MUSD yearly revenue $2988/15 months,  60% of TripleWhale $4990/12 months
First party pixel and touchpoints integrations
Shopify Web Pixel integration
Creatives attribution(Find your best performing creatives)
Contact create attribution(Lead gen attribution)
Short link generator
CAPI to Meta & Google( Optimize bidding by data postback)
Ads automation( save time and increase sales with automated adjustment)


Attribuly is everything you need to track, attribute and automate your eCom.


  • Get best-in-class customer behaviors across channels. 
  • Less impact by ad blockers, cookie issue.
  • Track stably even you change all the web pages
  • You don't need to manage any code, or leave any code in your store front.