Attribuly & Klaviyo Server-Side Tracking

2-3X Klaviyo abandonment flow revenue

Attribuly helps you identify much more returning visitors and trigger the Klaviyo email flow for 2X more revenue. The entire deployment takes only 30 minutes.

Browse Abandonment Revenue by weeks


The challenge

Around 70% of returned visitors can't be recognized by Klaviyo Pixel

Due to privacy policies and the impact of cookie expiration, when an email subscriber returns, Klaviyo is unable to effectively connect the visitor with their previous email subscription. This results in missed opportunities to convert visitors through triggered emails.


The solution

Trigger 2X more abandonment profiles

Attribuly's powerful first-party cookie and identity resolution technology can identify visitors from over a year ago, thereby triggering more email flows. In real cases conducted by many merchants, browse and add-to-cart abandonment flow can at least double additional revenue.


Find out if you’d a good fit

Your Klaviyo revenue is greater than $500 per month

Your email conversion rate is relatively stable.

You have deployed browse/add-to-cart/checkout start abandonment at least one of the three flows

It's a no-brainer

If you are unhappy with Attribuly or fail to get an immense ROI on our software, you can refund the full amount for any reason within the first 30 days.

Attribuly grows your profit by utilizing your first-party data

+ %

Facebook ROAS

- %

Google CPA

+ %

Email revenue

< %

Discrepancy with Shopify revenue