How to Analyze and Optimize Your Shopify Store Data with Attribuly and Google Looker Studio

Read Time 12 mins | Written by: Attribuly

How to Analyze and Optimize Your Shopify Store Data with Attribuly and Google Looker Studio


As an e-commerce store owner or manager, you know that analyzing critical data is crucial for the success of your online business. Data analysis can help you identify areas for optimization, track progress, and make informed decisions to improve your Shopify store's performance. However, with so much data available, it can be challenging to efficiently analyze and optimize your Shopify store data. That's where Attribuly and Google Looker Studio integration comes in.

By integrating Attribuly and Google Looker Studio into your Shopify store, you can unlock the full potential of your data analysis efforts. Attribuly is a powerful analytics tool that provides full customer behaviors across multiple marketing platforms, product performance, and more. Google Looker Studio is a business intelligence platform that enables you to create custom reports and dashboards based on your Shopify store data.

Together, these tools provide a comprehensive solution for analyzing and optimizing your Shopify store data. With Attribuly, you can track key metrics such as attribution, events, revenue & ROAS, average order value, and customer lifetime value. You can also gain insights into customer behavior by analyzing factors such as demographics, device usage, and traffic sources.

Google Looker Studio takes this analysis to the next level by enabling you to create customized reports and dashboards based on your specific needs. Whether you're looking to track sales trends over time or identify top-performing products/campaigns, Google Looker Studio has the tools you need to get the job done.

Connecting Your Shopify Store to Attribuly and Google Looker Studio

Analyzing critical data is crucial for the success of an online store. However, it can be a daunting task, especially if you don't have the right tools. This is where Attribuly and Google Looker Studio come in handy. By integrating these two platforms, you can efficiently analyze and optimize your Shopify store data to unlock its full potential.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of connecting your Shopify store to Attribuly and Google Looker Studio. We will also show you how to create custom reports, analyze your data, identify areas for optimization, implement changes, and track progress.

Install Attribuly

Before you can connect your Shopify store to Attribuly, you need to create an account. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Attribuly website ( and click on "Install free on Shopify" of the page.

  2. Use your Shopify account to finish the authentication.

Once you have created an account, you can proceed to install the Attribuly app on your Shopify store.

Connecting Your Shopify Store to Attribuly

To connect your Shopify store to Attribuly, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.

  2. Go to "Apps" from the left-hand menu.

  3. Click on "Visit Shopify App Store."

  4. In the search bar at the top of the page, type "Attribuly."

  5. Click on "Add app" next to the Attribuly listing.

  6. Follow the prompts to install and configure the app.

When configuring your settings in Attribuly, make sure that you grant access to all of your store's data so that it can be analyzed by Google Looker Studio later on.

Connecting Attribuly to Google Looker Studio

Now that your Shopify store is connected to Attribuly, it's time to integrate it with Google Looker Studio:

  1. Create a Google Looker Studio account if you haven't already done so.

  2. Once logged in, click on "Create" from the left-hand menu.

  3. Select "Data source" from the dropdown menu.

  4. Search " Attribuly".

  5. Select "Attribuly" as the connector type.

  6. Enter your API key (which you can find in your Attribuly account settings).

  7. Test and save your connection.

Congratulations! You have successfully connected your Shopify store data with both Attribuly and Google Looker Studio.

In summary, connecting your Shopify store with both Attribuly and Google Looker Studio is a straightforward process that requires just a few simple steps but has massive benefits for optimizing performance by analyzing critical shopify data using these two powerful platforms together efficiently.

In our next section titled “Creating Custom Reports in Google Looker Studio,” we will explain how easy it is for users who have connected their stores using this method or similar methods like API integration or CSV upload method; they can create custom reports tailored specifically for their business needs without requiring any coding experience or other technical skills required!

Creating and Customizing Reports in Google Looker Studio

Google Looker Studio is a powerful tool that can help you make sense of your Shopify store data. With Looker Studio, you can create customized reports that provide insights into every aspect of your store's performance. To get started, log in to your Google Looker Studio account and navigate to the "Reports" section.

Once you're there, click on the "Create Report" button to begin creating a new report. You'll be prompted to select the data source you want to use for your report. In this case, you'll want to select Attribuly as your data source.

After selecting Attribuly as your data source, you'll be taken to the report editor where you can customize your report. Here, you can choose which metrics and dimensions you want to include in your report, as well as how they should be displayed.

For example, if you want to see how many visitors are coming to your store each day, you could add the "Visitors" metric to your report and set it to display as a line chart. Alternatively, if you want to see how many products are being sold each day, you could add the "Orders" metric and set it to display as a bar chart.

In addition to customizing the metrics and dimensions included in your report, you can also customize its appearance. Looker Studio provides a wide range of visualization options that allow you to create charts and graphs that are both informative and visually appealing.

Analyzing Data with Google Looker Studio

Analyzing your data is a crucial step in optimizing your Shopify store. With Google Looker Studio, you can gain valuable insights into your store's performance and identify areas for improvement. To get started, it's important to first understand your data. This means looking at metrics such as sales, traffic, and customer behavior to get a sense of how your store is performing.

Once you have a good understanding of your data, you can start identifying key metrics that are most important to your business. For example, if you're focused on increasing sales, you may want to look at order attribution, conversion rate, CPC, CTR.

With these key metrics in mind, you can start analyzing your data in Google Looker Studio. This powerful analytics tool allows you to create custom reports that highlight the specific metrics that matter most to your business. You can also drill down into the data to uncover insights about customer behavior and preferences.

One of the benefits of using Google Looker Studio is its ability to integrate with other tools such as Attribuly. By connecting Attribuly to Google Looker Studio, you can gain even deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. For example, Attribuly can help you identify which which marketing channels are driving the most traffic and sales, based on its tracking ability across marketing platforms.

Identifying Areas for Optimization

Identifying areas for optimization is a crucial step in improving the performance of your Shopify store. By analyzing the data collected from Attribuly and Google Looker Studio, you can identify which areas of your store need improvement. For instance, you may discover that your product pages have a high bounce rate or that customers abandon their carts at checkout. These insights can help you pinpoint specific areas for optimization.

Once you have identified the areas that need improvement, it's time to optimize your store based on data analysis. For example, if customers are abandoning their carts at checkout, you may want to simplify the checkout process or offer free shipping to incentivize them to complete their purchase. Alternatively, if your product pages have a high bounce rate, you may want to improve the product descriptions or add more images to showcase the product.

It's important to note that optimizing your store based on data analysis is an ongoing process. As your business evolves and customer behavior changes, you'll need to continue monitoring and analyzing your data to ensure that your store is performing at its best. By regularly analyzing and optimizing your Shopify store data with Attribuly and Google Looker Studio integration, you can unlock its full potential and improve its overall performance.

Implementing Changes and Tracking Progress

Once you have identified areas for optimization, the next step is to implement changes based on your data analysis. This could include making adjustments to your product offerings, pricing strategy, or website layout. It's important to prioritize changes based on their potential impact and feasibility of implementation. For example, if your data shows that a particular product category is underperforming, you may want to consider offering promotions or discounts to boost sales. On the other hand, if your website's bounce rate is high, you may need to focus on improving the user experience by simplifying navigation or reducing page load times.

Once changes have been implemented, it's crucial to track progress and measure success over time. This allows you to assess the effectiveness of your optimizations and make further adjustments as needed. Google Looker Studio provides a range of metrics and visualizations that can help you monitor key performance indicators such as traffic, revenue, and conversion rates. By regularly reviewing this data and comparing it against historical trends or industry benchmarks, you can gain valuable insights into how your store is performing and identify opportunities for further improvement.

In addition to quantitative data analysis, it's also important to gather qualitative feedback from customers through surveys or reviews. This can provide valuable insights into their preferences and pain points which can inform future optimizations. However, it's important to ensure that any feedback collected is genuine and representative of your customer base.

By following these steps for efficient data analysis and optimization with Attribuly and Google Looker Studio integration, Shopify store owners can unlock the full potential of their business and drive growth in an increasingly competitive e-commerce landscape.


In conclusion, analyzing and optimizing your Shopify store data is crucial for the success of your e-commerce business. Attribuly and Google Looker Studio integration offers an efficient solution to unlock the full potential of your store's data. By connecting your Shopify store to Attribuly and Google Looker Studio, you can create customized reports that provide valuable insights into the performance of your store. With these insights, you can identify areas for optimization and implement changes that will improve the overall performance of your store.

Using Attribuly and Google Looker Studio ensures that you have access to accurate data analysis that will enable you to make informed decisions about how to optimize your Shopify store. This integration provides a powerful toolset for e-commerce store owners and managers who want to stay ahead of their competition and grow their business.

In conclusion, if you want to take your Shopify store to the next level, it's time to start using Attribuly and Google Looker Studio integration for efficient data analysis and optimization. By following our step-by-step guide, you can easily connect your Shopify store to these tools, create customized reports, analyze data, identify areas for optimization, implement changes, and track progress. Don't wait any longer; start optimizing your Shopify store today!

Level up your Shopify analytics
